The term Utopia, No Place, refers to an ideal society in which all aspects such as social, economical, or political are perfect. The name Utopia was created by Sir Thomas More in 1516, with his notable work Utopia. As a term of Utopia refers to unreal world or idea or so on. If there is no chance or way to create something with logic, people express their opinion like “It is an impossible idea.” There are more than four kinds of utopia terms in literature: scientific, ecological, religious, economic, and technology utopia. The Religious utopia, for instance, desire to reunite all people or societies in one religion. With the development of commercialism and capitalism, there came into exist some socialist characters in the eighteenth and nineteenth century having an idea of a perfect society that is called economic utopia. Plato’s Utopia, Farabi’s Virtuous society, or City of The Sun, written by Thomas Campanella, can be given as some examples of the term Utopia.
When it comes to define the term Dystopia, sometimes known as Cacotopia, dystopia is a community or world that is undesirable and frightening. In the Brave New World, written by Huxley, there is an ideal world in which there is no disease, war; and this world can be created by modifying the genetic structure of the people. Such as mass-production of human. In the other disturbing novel, 1984, written by George Orwell, is considered as a great dystopian novel of Sciene Fiction literature by the critics. It examines the politicians’ manipulations and repressive regimentation.
Ustopia is a made-up term by combining utopia and dystopia, namely with a perfect society and its opposite by Margaret Atwood, the founder of the Ustopia, claims that each utopian novel has dystopian elements; or each dystopian novel has utopian elements in it. In her notable work, The Handmaid’s Tale, there is little utopia such as “The past is our present,” and a future beyond the main story of the Gilead-the tyrannical republic of The Handmaid’s Tale. According to Atwood, Ustopia is moving in real life as well: through genetic engineering, we will be able to rid ourselves of inherited diseases, and ugliness, and mental illness, and ageing.
Melike Çelik